About Us

Welcome to Sugoi Business.  Our goal at Sugoi Business is to look at and review a variety of business concepts and business ideas.  We will consider conventional businesses to those that are a little less conventional. The hope of covering such a wide variety of businesses is to help everyone regardless of current skills or capital to find a good match for them.

Affiliate Notice:

Many of the products listed and recommended in my blog use affiliate link to generate income for the site.  As a general rule when I recommend a product or service I do try to find the best product or service available for a given need and then try to find their affiliate program to join or will use my Amazon link.  While I can’t promise that there is no influence made by the affiliate offers I come across, the impact is minimal, and I do commit not to recommend a product or service I do not feel is a great solution for my readers.


Sugoi Business is part of the Sugoi Creative Group.

Sugoi Creative PO Box 562, Enterprise UT 84725


Contact: mike@sugoicreative.com