Choosing a Business Entity for your Startup

What are the most common business entities for small businesses? There are several types of business entities that small businesses can choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of business entities for small businesses are:...

Accounting for Startups

Why is accounting important for a small business? Having an effective and current accounting system in place is probably the biggest factor in whether a business is successful or if it fails.  Knowing the numbers is absolutely critical in making so many business...

What are the Risks of Starting a Business?

What are the risks of starting a business? Starting a business can be a risky venture. Some of the biggest risks to starting a business include: Financial risk: Starting a business requires a significant investment of time and money. There is always the risk that the...

What you need to know when starting a business

There are many factors to consider when starting a business such as acquiring customers, making sure you have the inventory and supplies on hand, hiring and managing employees, acquiring real estate or equipment, and much more. A few of the areas that tend to get...

You need a Side Hustle

Some people are able to enjoy their life with only one job, but most of us need at least two jobs to make ends meet. A side hustle is an additional source of income that can help supplement the bills. Even if you are comfortable with your primary income, having your...